I was at a swap meet in Belleville MI today and I came across this cool 1970 Maverick advertising can/bank. It looks like it may have originally contained a nylon Maverick Racing jacket that the dealership gave out. It's empty now, but it's an awesome piece to add to the Maverick memorabilia wall. If anyone has any knowledge of this can and the story behind it, please fill me in.
In the early days of Ebay, they were on there all the time, they've become few and far between these days. I think it was just another promotion from Ford.
Does anyone on the forum own one of the Maverick jackets that came in these cans? If so, please share some pics with us
I bid on a couple of those cans a while back but he wanted huge shipping. Figured it would make a good pen/pencil holder.
I have one (maybe more) with a jacket inside. I don't think I have any pictures. If you come to the MCCI Roundup Nationals next weekend....I will have it there and you can see it.