I've got my money on the MSD. But, we could sell tickets and go for best 2-out-of-3 to keep it fair and profitable.
I once saw an MSD arc go from the wire held at it's full length above the motor. Cracked me up...needless to say I wasn't the one holding it!
Hey i never said the car was going to be running when i licked the spark plug. thats just mean. but you gotta taste the carbon deposit to get a good read of how its running. maybe if Tony would do this he would have his car tuned already.
Just got an email. The timing system at SIR is not working properly and has to be sent back to Compulink. Racing cancelled this weekend. They are not sure how long it will take to fix it.
That's where I screwed up Ryan! This thing would have been tuned by now if I just had your advice. Yeah Don the race will probably be postponed until October 2nd! Just let Ryan know, I'm sure that he'd be glad to change the date of the meet.
Well tony you got my number. be sure to consult me for any and all of your car decisions. my bill is already in the mail so you may as well use my services. and no need to worry about the tucson race postponing to oct 2nd. it will be raining that day anyways.
I noticed That a few guys came up from SIR and joined Team Firebird at the last race so they could go to Vegas. Hummmmm
Man...I can't believe this. A guy posts a craigslist add to part out a 72 4 door in somerton AZ. 5 mi from me. Posted it friday, and its been stripped over the weekend. Just the mirror,rear bumper and tail lights left.
Just shows how scarce the parts are these days and how bad somebody wants them. Atleast you got those tailights right?