The thing just will not run properly..2 days ago i was driving all over town with it and then on my way home the next day it started to surge from 400-1000 rpm and die and just wouldn't run, and barely would idle it was a new Edelbrock carb on it i figured that may have been the issue so i went and got a brand new Holley 650 and still same 2 blocks and it started again. i've checked many thing including my electric fuel pump its all working, last night before it started surging like crazy and dying it was running good as long as i didn't stomp on it so i figured if i eased into it, it wouldn't die on me because the surging was gone but it still did i took a vid this morning right before i dropped it off at a local auto shop because i was lost what to do. it's at the shop now, but what do you think it is? <-- that's the small video i took
looks like a good sized vacuum leak to me. possibley the intake gasket if you dont find a missing vac cap some where.
yep, or maybe an extremely worn/loose timing chain? EDIT: never mind, that thing sounds like a gear drive, lol
Did you try it with carb/choke cleaner? I'm not sure brake cleaner will give you the desired effects. What do the plugs look like?
Plugs are brand new yesterday, same with the filter and the pressure seems to be just fine I unhooked it from the carb and let it run into a jar to see and it's not an extreme flow but it's a good flow as for pressure I think it was just over 5lbs
Did you guys see the fire from the carb? Check your spark plug order and timing. I had my firing order backwards and it did the same thing your is doing.
Maybe a shot in the dark, but....have you tried looking under the hood at night to see if you have any arching from your plug wires?
What he said ford used 3 different timing marks and it might be in a different location then factory with an aftermarket one.
Well guys I think my electric pump went down the crapper.. It was still pumpin with good pressure but not the best so I took it back and told them what I thought of it and came home with a new Holley pump and as of a few hours ago it seems to be running good,'they did a few things at the shop that helped out but I think it was the fuel being the major issue. We will see though because I gotta drive it around tomorrow and get a few things done, wish me luck Racing Saturday and Sunday!
I don't know what fuel you're using there in B.C., but we're stuck with this crap that has alcohol in it! Where I live is humid and hot. The fuel absorbs water from the air ( yeah, even in a reasonably closed fuel system ). It gets to the point where it really affects performance and drivability. This is all without seeing a drop of water in the fuel! If you do see water in the fuel, you have a ton already mixed in the alcohol that you don't see! I use nothing but premium grade now, as it has much better additives than the cheap stuff. For you guys that mix for 2 strokes ( lawn equipment and outboard motors ) using premium perks them up also! Getting back to your problem, I had the same symptoms that gradually got worse. It never got to backfiring, though! Anyway, I let my fuel run way low and took off my fuel line to the carb and let the rest pump into a container, with the engine idling. I put in 5gals of new Mobil premium, and it was a new car again! I would run your car low on fuel every now and then. It really helped mine, and I didn't do anything else at all but just change the fuel! Good Luck on yours, I think it will be something " simple "!