Man thats awesome news. I'm a police officer on the Illinois side, I had put the word out to some of my people to be looking for it over here. Its great it was recovered. So many stolen cars over here are recovered burnt out or destroyed.
man after two years of planning the hiest, the only thing they do with it is some joy riding racing and off roading? very glad you got your car back and get to see the idiots get punished. man run them through the ringer in the leagle system. also make an example of them in the comunity to show that its not worth messing with your stuff.
I am hoping he will get put into jail for a while. Now it is out of my hands. The good person that told us knows my wife. Unfortunately I can't say anymore until he is formally charged. As time is going on I have been prices for the cost of the damage and inspection of the running gear. The cost is quickly rising. MNTonyHey Darren, where did you get two years from??? It was only gone since August 19th. Today 15:14
I think the two years came from the statement that the thief has been watching for 2 years. John while it is apart fix or replace the pulleys on the supercharger so it really whines.
Bring them out to Nevada. We have lots of old abandon mine shafts that need a little filler. We'll start by throwing these fools down one.
Yeah! Im glad you find the maverick! DAMN!...that's why I dont take my maverick for a ride to often, here in Mé's not dangerous but you never know.
I am glad you have your car back John. I have been burglarized too many times and had my garage built with doors not facing the road because of that. The dumb kid must also be on drugs.
Not a sales pitch, but thefts are increasing, get a LOJACK. Collector cars are targets and many just go overseas or are chopped up for parts. An ex-cop friend says they find 97% of the cars with LOJACK in less the 48 hours. They are running a special of $295 installed, no other fees or annual charges. I don't work for LOJACK, I have just seen to much of this and recommend this. If interested there is a code to get the system: CCSEM295. I have a lot of friends that are getting these. Got a question? Let me know and I'll try and get an answer for you. I've had two cars stolen and one recovered. I didn't have LOJACK. My son's '64 Malibu was never found and we had just finished it. It's a sick feeling when your car is stolen.