Hey guys, I tried to install my hooker 6901-1 headers tonight but as I was bolting up the drivers side header the front tube was hitting the shock tower and not alowing the header to set flush with the head. I would be temped to smack it with a hammer but I dont think that would be best for the coating. Has any one else had problems with hooker headers hitting the shock towers ?
Wow it has been a long time since I looked at that thread you`r comet turned out beautifull ! I do like the old wheels alot more than the cragars though. I don`t think the ceramic coating will stand up to the beating . I gess I`m gonna see if I can`t beat the shock tower to fit the header. It just realy irks me that I have to make them fit a 400 dollar seat of headers should bolt up with no problems especially on a car with no power steering or collum shift.
I would investigate further before I would start beating on anything. I don't recall anybody else having any problems with fitament of those headers.
Not sure if yours are new, but when I had a broken motor mount my headman headers were just touching my driver side tower... new mount and that fixed it...
I found over the years it was best for me to buy...uncoated headers...test fit...adjust...and then send them to be...coated... ...does sound like a motor mount issue...I think there are at least 2 different mounts that will work, so you may need to try the other style. Frank...
Between the old motor mounts and the shock towers bending in towards each other over the years, there's your $400 header problem.
I'm in agreement with these guys. My Hookers are close on the drivers side, but they bolt up fine and still have about an 1/8" of breathing room.
My passenger side has no problems at all. The drivers side needs to be lifted, but there's room there also.
I got the headers on over the weekend. I was a little bummed that I couldn`t use all the stage 8 locking bolts because they are 12 point and there wasn`t room on all the tubes for a boxed end wrench even after a little grinding. It also looks like the drivers header is hitting the frame rail slightly so I may need to take it off and do little work to it.
I was looking at mine, although they fit the drivers side is only about an 1/8 inch away from my shock tower.... I'm gonna run it the way it is, I put all new motor and trans mounts in when I installed the engine.... You should be ok with yours...