I would never make back what I have in it. So id have to get very tired of having it before I took a loss...
Yes i'd sell it...but i'd probably buy another one right after if i was to, i really like these cars and they grow on you the longer you own them with all the people that would rather look at your car than a everyday lame 60's mustang
Haha, That is a very good idea...Maverick Casket.... I would/Could never sell mine. I dont have it in me to get rid of the car my grandparents bought brand new and gave to me last year for a early graduation present...Plus, if i ever tried to sell it i know a bunch of people that would kill me.
of course i would. just nobody would want to pay me what i would be willing sell it for...... i think.
OH....HELL....NO!!!!! was not a choice in the poll so I didnt vote. I thought at times in my life that selling any Gun or Harley I owned was a CARDINAL sin. But I have sold Guns to buy Bigger Guns and I only traded my last Harley In to my regret. So much so that I contacted the gal that bought it from the Dealer and offered to buy it back when ever she felt like selling it. Guns come and go never regreted any sale, Id trade my favorite Custom 300 Win Mag for a good Mav in a heartbeat. I sold My 57 Chubby but My Maverick? Never! They can take it from me when they pry my cold dead fingers from arond the steering wheel. (if I ever get it finished)
To be honest for the right price yes. I had one when i was 16 and it took me 20 years to get the one i have now, so it would be hard to let go but............
I have had a few drag cars and a lot of hot rods, but if someone offered me enough money I would sell it , then turn around and buy back my 68-1/2 Mustang Cobra Jet....................and then again, maybe not. Just depends on the money and if I was in the right mind set. Almost every car I have ever sold myself has been to someone who made me an offer I couldn't refuse.
What kind of number? Ill be getting my enlistment bonus and ill be wanting to buy a already done maverick
This car is the first car i've had, and it will be the last one i will have. There isn't a price below your soul, and beating heart in the box on my desk that would even get me to let you drive it down the driveway. my dad moved it the other day as it's not running(surprise surprise), while i was at work so that he could get access to his Austin Heleay Sprite in the garage, I was furious that it was even touched... A little insane I know. But this car is my soul. I would sell my everything before I gave up my maverick. Even my metallic blue guitar, and pinstripped hat. The only three possesions I count as worthwhile. My Hat, Guitar and Car. Someday They'll be the only things I take with me on a road trip to New Orleans... When it's finished and i'm good enough with the six strings to get me there...Oh dreams what are they worth... NOT MY MAVERICK!
Same here, got the car when I was 14 from my dad. I've hit rock bottom before where I needed the money. But I sold my musical instruments instead of the car. And I have an LP collection that i'd sell before the maverick.