Well here's the proof. I first mentioned it in this post: It was really hard to get a picture but today 464925 provided one.
That´s my Mav.. Oh yeah. That means a Dana 44 is better? My Mav has a problem.My car doesn´t go over 80Km/hrs. I'm gonna change the axle gears. More pictures...
It's really unique as Mavericks here in the US never got them, heck I don't think any Ford cars out here got them. The were mainly used in trucks, which usually have heady duty rear ends. The only cars that ever got them(that i know of) was the Chevy Corvette and the Dodge Viper. But they got the independent versions. What engine do you have?
I'm not completely sure. (Not sure if it is a 289 or 302) It's supposed to be a v8 302. 1973. I have saw this axle on trucks and 4x4 jeeps.
In Brazil, all Mavericks had Dana 44 rear end! Mav 302 mec. came with 3,07:1 gear 302 C4 aut. - 2,87:1 6cyl 184cid - 3,31:1 4cyl 140cid - 3,73:1 or 3,92:1 Here, F100, Galaxie and Jeep Cj came with Dana 44...
Yep Dana 44 up front and 9" out back. The 44 was inverted in the Bronco. So I had an upside down Dana44. LOL. Had a 79 Bronco and miss it still.
buenos días, les comento que efectivamente es un dana 44 en todos los maverick mexicanos, apenas desarme el mio por que el perno central se quebró y aproveche para remplazar todo, y como me di cuenta que casi no hay información para nosotros en México, les comento que el mio nunca se había desarmado y el paso es 43-13 original conseguí en mercado libre un caja de satélites track- loc dana 44 y le quedo perfecto, mi caja es la tremec th-170 conocida como "top loader" en el caso de los maverick mexicanos casi estoy seguro por los que he manejado 6 0 7 que son wide ratio( porque mantienen las revoluciones por minuto en la banda de potencia del motor, no porque sean de velocidades mas largas. suerte con sus mavs.
good morning maverick brothers, let me tell you that the mexican mavericks had the dana 44 in the case of the top loader transmition versions the gearing are 43-13. excuse me for my bad english.
here are some pic tures of mi dif. cap. les pongo al gunas fotos de la tapa de mi diferencial, con la tapa saben que diferencial es y asi pueden pedir sus repuestos, tambien les comento que el estriado de las flechas debe de ser de 30 (spline) o estrias. saludos.