It's not cheap..... $595 I had a friend who ran a Watts Link set up on his 69 Camaro road racer....he paid about $750 for his. Said it was worth twice that in results. He swore by it. Said it was the best suspension mod he made,....and his suspension was highly modified. That's why I was so interested in this set-up, considering Maverick's "weak link" suspension reputation.
hum and since i don't know how to weld i guess that will cost some $$$$ too btw the brace that runs to the rear sub frame is that length gonna work for a "maverick"? and is the torque arm gonna be the rigth length too? cuz i figure if it for a mustang the frame is in a totaly differant location. unless you do a full custom job i would think it would work... but for 595 i'd expect it to bolt right on... then again what really bolts right on
well, just an upfate for us. Somethings can be made to fit according to Jim. I'm still waiting for the answer about the frame rails. What he's doing for me is laying each part out & measuring them. And I mean everything. I have made so many mod on the rearend that it want just bolt up under my car if it was made to fit a Maverick. I movrd the leafs, spring perches, shock mounts & shock, the gas tank, fuel lines, etc. So he is going to email my all measurements & I will try to use my car or mock up. The only thing is that mine is not stock. So when I get the specs, I will have to have a stock maverick to see if it can be bolted on. We will find out something soon.
From the magazine ad: "The FS2 Watts Link requires drilling, but no welding" (but again, referring to Mustangs) However, if the Mav frame rails are different widths apart than a Mustang, obviously, on a Maverick, welding probably would be required Here's a pic of the set up, and another mounted on a 'Stang (without tank)
yeah i guess in your case it would be all custom... that would be still cool too see. i love what you did to your car! in may case i wanted to build my car not around the parts but the parts around the car. hense someone who had no welding equipment, basic auto mach know how, cheap tools and no lift could do the same... kinda my whole point to making my car the way it is now... more of a backyard car... rather then some foose crazy car the funny thing is i read that same article and when i saw that photo i was like yes thats an early model mustang.. but when you read the text under (which should be the "caption" for that photo) it says is for an FAY'S2 hense the new mustang.. but i guess they were only refering to the picture on the right nice copy editing anyways if that is the one your talking about it soure don't look like if would clear the shock as long as your stagered shocks didn't go to the back side on the pass side.... in a maverick case is not. and no welding it good... but what i have learned about tapping things into the sub frame that cause stress... the stock rails don't hold up too good... i've ripped my swaybar link mounts right out of the frame (both sides!) i think welding would be a better choice in the long run.. personally. also this kit doesn't have a torque arm it seems.. guess that would be more $$$
I don't think it would with a stock tank, but with a fuel cell in the trunk, that would help with the front to back clearence. The width may not be the same though, I know that the spring pads on the rearend are the same distance apart, but I don't know if the frame rails are, I think they do a little bend outward from the wheel area towards the rear. Just throwing in my thoughts. The only thing I know is it won't work in my car. It would be cool to have one of these in a Maverick. Or an independent rear set up would be cool too.
Did your custom Watt's link with Fay's 2 work? I was thinking of trying to adapt one to my maverick. Thanks.
This thread was from 5 years ago. Maybe one of the members who were going to try it will come back with some info for you
pretty much all you'd need to do is buy a fay 2 watts FabKit(SC&C has them) with mustang plates ..if you dont have the clearence for your gastank...install a fuel cell Problem solved!