Thanks guys. When I was done I stood back and was shocked at how it came out. I musta stared at it for 10 minutes
Ummm.. I actually was trying to figure out what I want to do. I have a NOS GT grille in the factory box and I bought this one new back in 89. I'm happy with the way it came out. So now I need to decide which one to let go or if I should let one go
I have 6 in the shed, when can I send you a few? I have no idea where they all came from, I only had 2 Comets...maybe they are like rabbits?
I did have it for sale and had to take it down cause I couldn't find a good enough box. I ended up making a crate. If I do end up selling a grille it should be a safe ride. A broken grille is worthless.
I got a quote from the post office last week to SC. It was around $77 with $400 of insurance. The ins is only about $5.77 of that. I spent around $20 on materials. .. The only cheaper way is meeting at a meet or something. I don't mind keeping it though..
I agree that a spare grill is a great spare part to have....especially one that looks as good as the one you repainted. Frankly, I'm surprised at how well so many grills hold up in these cars, and others, considering all the rocks and junk that is always hitting them. If only windshields would hold up that good.
I am thinking that DDB was saying he would send them to me. And Fordmasters grille looks very nice also. Maybe I can sell him my crate
First I soaked it in the tub with dish soap and warm to hot water for about an hour. I hosed it off and allowed it to air dry. I then used a green scotch pad and rubbed my fingers off being careful not to bust through to the bare plastic. This took about 4 hours. Sprayed it with semi black and used a paint brush to apply the silver aluminum paint. I plan to clear it in a couple of days.
Hey Gene, that is a beautiful paint job...and I would hate to see that shiny aluminum paint be dulled by the clearcoat. Hopefully, you can mask off the portions with aluminum paint. Most chrome and aluminum paints will be dulled, and completely ruined, by a coat of clearcoat, if not all of them. Just trying to save you the heartache.