It's the last thing my grandfather (raised me since 3 months old) and I worked on together before he died, so, absolutely not. Never. I even turned down a $7k cash offer once. I told my family to forget the coffin; use the extra money to buy a bigger burial plot; and bury me in my car when it's my turn.
Won't work... took that out in order to make a larger opening for a modified gauge panel. Besides, nobody in my family has a mantle big enough to display the car on. Interesting concept, though...
i did many years ago and have regretted it ever since.but it did pay for my wedding and new is junk and long gone,but still with the wife{17 years}
I've been thinking about selling it alot lately... I've been really short on cash... Although I'm afraid of how little I would get for it... could probably make alot in parts and have it not really affect the selling price...
Have been trying to sell it for the past year or so, but all I get are a lot of " I'll let you know, I'll give you a call" and they never do. Their loss.
I was driving it the night I met my wife. We took it on our first date, and I brought our son home from the hospital in it after he was born. My wife and I just celebrated our 20th anniversary and my now 15 year old son wants the car. I DON'T THINK SO!!!
He thinks he's gonna get it when he graduates. He can really have it when he pries the keys from my cold, dead hand!
I had to sell my 71 grabber and my 73 grabber due to a divorce but the 70 grabber and 71 4dr project stayed and there not ever going anywhere. I promised my son they would be his and all my tons of Mav stuff I`ve collected the last 20yrs or so
I might sell it now if I can get a decent amount for it, I don't want to but I need money bad... problems keep compounding... maybe I can sell a kidney...