Risky!!! I would hate for my favorite pizza joint to go out of business because of us... but maybe it's worth a shot? As for...IF... Ryan got his car running again... huh...wonder what that would do to the universe???
Damn Scarry Gene. I cant imagine a tear in the fabric of Time and Space by the Gravity of such a thing happening.
Hmmm, maybe I should sell my car to somebody that can truly appreciate it and DRIVE it. well after they finish it of course. Taking offers.... starting at $5000
Set a personal best Sunday of 15.21...also went 3 rounds but lost in the semi-finals. And the best part was it didn't even think about raining!!
Nice Job Gene. So the new carb work is helping, or maybe it was just good air for racing. If I would have thought about it sooner than I did I would have gone out there in my Mustang. After I went to the GCC swap meet, and then to a silly car show I thought about going to speedworld cause it was only noon by the time I was done. But should have just gone out there earlier and ran the daily driver.
We left the house on Sunday morning.The temp guage on the bike said it was 39.When we got to Casa Grande it said 37. There was something wrong with that picture. 4 in the afternoon on the way home it read 52. Had a great time though. 4-5 hundred bikes, I'd guess.
Headed for work this morning on the bike and it was 32 degs. it was warmer in South Carolina last weekend..LOL
Im pretty sure i decided for sure to go to a mechanical pump. So today ill be working on the transmission stuff as much I can with the parts I have. The cleaning up some wiring and removing the fuel stuff. My new theme will be to have it as simple and clean as I can, no more excesss and flashy stuff. As always, if anybody wants to come hang out and throw tools around you are welcome to come, and even bring your own stuff to work on.