I could really care less...he doesn't need any more work just trying to help! I have nothing to gain.....
Don't think we will be pulling the motor anytime soon but might be able to get some shots from underneath on the hoist
So the Maverick isn't your car is it? Sorry, but from what I'm reading you keep saying him, and his when referring to the car. Also, did he make the adapter for the C4 to 5.0, or buy it somewhere........thanks.
I can't wait to get started on my 70. I have bought a new front suspension from rod & custom so I can put in the new coyotee 5.0L So shock towers will be coming out soon.
If you read back on the posts I explained....it is a friend of mine. He just isn't in to blogging....I thought it was a cool car and set up. I wandered across this site and posted it. I told my buddy I was going to put it on YouTube for him and never did. We have many projects going and I spend most of my time at his shop bench racing or just chilling. I have quite a few cars and as I explained earlier I am mainly a Chevy guy but thought his maverick was so cool it should be shared. So....I posted it. Never believed there would be so much interest. Just thought anybody who liked cars would just have to think it was coooool......
No...as I said in an earlier post.....I should have taken some while he was doing it but I was too busy chuckling. We are starting to get a little redundant here. If there any new or un answered question I would be happy to respond.
We are already on page 6 of this thread and interest isn't slowing down yet Bringing a Maverick like that to a Maverick site will sure will bring about a lot of interest I don't really care who built it or who owns it - I just want to learn more about it
I will do my very best to get as many pics and or video and answer as many questions as I can.... Just one CARGUY trying to help other carguys..... And....share something that might not otherwise be seen or heard.
You can see by looking at "my images" link that I've done a lot of mods to my own car - I really get interested in how others might have handled something similar
Don't think there was an adapter...think it bolted up. I will check and confirm. I was gone when he put the trans in.
It would be so awesome to do this swap. I'm not married to power steering but I wonder how difficult it would be to include A/C.
I would have to say that the AC, and power sterring would be easy as it all came on that engine anyway so there should be tons of brackets in junk yards everywhere. The heaver the car, the more difference would make having or not having power steering. I don't know what the weight of these new 5.0 engines would be vs an 8.2 block with aluminum heads.