I lucked out and won a set of 67 Caprice taillights on ebay. $30 plus shipping and they're in excellent shape. All they need is a little cleaning. I'm trying to decide on which lenses to use. I really like the look of the Impala lenses like Mavaholic has on his sprint, but I also like the idea of sequential turn sigs if I stick with the all red lenses. What do you guys think? Also can anyone point me towards some DIY sequential tails info that will be compatible with our older cars? Thanks
Everything you need to know about conversion thanks to Jamie http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=54582
Jamie Miles found one somewhere that he used on his car. You might do a search on some of his old posts and find it. Rayzorsharp also has one of some kind on his car, even though he's using the Shelby lights. He can probably tell you more, too.
My plan is to just buy one of the "plug and play" kits from a late model mustang and splice it into my taillight harness.
Are using one of the splice in kits since the full harness is actually built to be a plug and play in a much newer Mustang and not a Maverick? Did you get the STS-1M for 69.95?
Yes I am using that kit, I also ran a 10 guage hot wire wire back to 3 relays, 1 relay for park lights and one relay for each side of brake lights/turn signals. You dont have to do it but the stock wiring for the car is not really heavy enough guage for the extra lamps, some of the other people that have done this installation did not do this and works for them.
Thanks Mike. I'm going to rebuild my entire stock wire harness anyway with upgrade wire since I'm adding a lot more electrics than what came on the car back in 69 so I'll add the heavier wire then for the tails
Stock up on solder and heat shrink tubing and some 1/4 female spade connectors and 6 new lamp sockets with the extra ground wire spade on outside of shell, dont rely on the lamp housing for a good ground. The sequential units are tubular and should be mounted upright. As a side note if they ever fail you will still have the inner most lamp that will still work so no getting stranded without tail lights