Pulled the 0.30 over 302 today time to make room for the nasty 351w based stroker powerplant, still cubes will not be stated. I keep that to myself!
Now time to powerwash the engine bay and do some cleaning/painting, also have to notch the shock towers. and eliminate anything that will not be used.
Its more than 408, but I will never state the exact amount. I know the people I dnt want to know will prolly never see it here but ya never know. as far as they know, its the same 302 with new intake and valve covers. lol
There's a guy I know, Mike, with a '73 Maverick. He's also got a 351W based setup and is very secretive about it. Turned 8.64 @ 167mph in the 1/4 in street car trim, so, when he gives you "the look" when you ask questions, you know to stop.
Just dont like people knowin wuts under the hood here. Or any other go fast goodies. We have gamblers night once a month at our track. I enjoy taking money!
Started Notching the shock Towers today. Gonna be a fairly simple cut /fab/weld project. Gonna have my youngest son in on this, and prolly the rest of the swap. Also bought a built c4 from TCI and matching 3500 stahl converter. This lil car oughtta be pretty quick. And all else fails I have a backup plan. ( Fogger system!)
Have 2 sets the other ones are quite a bit taller, but I got these to clear the valve train by using the Felpro extra thick gaskets, they are 1/4" thick
That is an Edelbrock AirGap modified by me. I made a mod to get both advantages of dual plane low end and open plenum on the big end