Actually, I think I will just chill out and enjoy the mufflers I have. The wife enjoys driving through the HEB and WalMart parking lots and setting off all the car alarms. I think I may just convince myself to just ignore the drone and enjoy the noise.
I second that emotion. I've found myself thinking the same thing about mine and running a quieter system so I can hear the three two's at WOT, but I also like to hear the exhaust bellowing at WOT on the open highway as well. The car alarms are just a fringe benefit. MAybe I'll run a new exhaust and include cutouts in the system.
well in my case which is different from yours, I run 3 inch straight exaust pipe to 3 inch 2 chambered original 40 series flowmasters. After removing the crap the prior owner had on this car which was 2 1/2 straight pipe off the headers into 2 turbo 2 mufflers. IF you look inside a turbo 2 you will see how restrictive they are the baffel is less than 1 1/2 diameter. Good Truck muffler thats bout it, however I go for performance. just building my own exaust and using my flowmasters I had huge performance gains. This was with the original 302 for the car. My car is a completely different car than last summer however I plan on going with the same exaust set up. except I have to redo my straight pipes because the angle of the headers has changed due to the windsor swap. Remember this, The faster your exaust can escape the better performance you will have, This pertains to full tube headers. Why do you think most drag cars run open headers????? I run the exaust on my car at street events and when rules require exaust. But if givin the chance you bet your ass I drop the exaust. and it shows on et's
Most cheap turbo mufflers have a 2" baffles but most better name brands keep the inlet diameter throught the muffler fwiw
Yep, my Dynomax Super Turbos are 2 1/2" all the way through. That just means your exhaust after the headers isn't designed very well.
Thanks for that Flowmaster chart. NOT what I was expecting to find. 3" straight through would be too small for my car NOW, much more so if I ever hit the naaaawwss. I think at this point I will just keep what I have but swap the H for an X. Then just live with it.
It'll be interesting to see what difference the X-pipe makes. Mine has X-pipe and tail pipes. I had to put glass pack resonators at the back to kill the drone.
OH well that makes sense why open headers mean quicker et's because every ones exaust isnt designed well and that also explains why pro mods/ and S/C run open headers. Who else here is in the low 11's???????? lmao K well im not here to argue and not goin to. I am out of this thread.
Good, sounds like someone has a nasty "attitude" to match his screen name. I'm sorry we don't measure up to your standards.
No argument. Drag racing isn't the only type of racing. Many motor sports require full exhaust systems and they can be made to have zero impact on power. For street, search exhaust terminator boxes.
Wow.....really? You're going to go there? Really??? Can't even spell "e-x-h-a-u-s-t" and you're going to go THERE? Your arrogance blinds you. Be very careful whom you attempt to insult.
Well, let's see, John Ford's N/A 347 powered car ran mid-10s. You're right, guess that's not low 11s...