Found this in a field a few days ago. Has a 250 i6 in it. It currently doesn't run, but is in pretty sound shape. I should have took a some better pics of it, but this Comet has these....extra folding windows on it. I have never seen these before. Do they come out with the car original, or did someone just put them on there? You can kind of see them in the pics. Here they are: I have yet to get it home. Been raining a lot here lately and am waiting on it to dry up so I can get it on a rollback. More pics to come.
The little side windows are an aftermarket add-on. Never seen anybody put them on a Maverick or Comet before. Seen them mostly on 50's and 60's era cars.
Indeed they are. The only bad part about the find was the weather, haha. Ready to get them loaded up.
Hey, at least all of us young people aren't terrible. This is what I like to do in my free time. I could be doing something worse. Like..... being Justin Bieber's roadie. LOL!
cool finds! i was born in '86, not all of our generation is least were not spendin our money on drugs or even worse chevys
Yep...y'all stick with the cars! We gotta keep these things going for years to come. I've already had one of mine for 38 years!