I have searched and searched on the forum and haven't found my answers. This will probably provide good info for future searches and noobs like myself even if it is repeat. I have 76 with 302 V8 I basically need a timing for dummies lesson here. I need to know what piston is #1. I need to know if there are marks on the pulley for timing, or how I can do timing while in place? I know about distributor adjustments and vacuum and being in drive, ect. But I need some of the basic info. Thanks. BTW: This link is probably the most useful link I have found for engine timing:
Here's a start: http://www.fordmuscle.com/archives/2000/03/timing/ #1 cylinder is passenger side front. The timing marks are on the damper, timing pointer is on passeger side of the timing cover. Disconnect and plug any vacuum lines to the distributor while adjusting. Turn the distributor clockwise to advance timing, CCW to retard.
good info But also found in a shop manual....look for Chiltons.if you're gonna own an old car...you gotta have one
check out the disclaimer at the bottom ... Keep in mind these are ballpark ranges, and every engine responds differently. Optimum timing can really only be determined on a dyno, or under very controlled and repeatable track conditions.
Exactly, the article just gives some basic information and a starting point. In my own car with a manual trans and 3.89 gears my engine combination prefers 16* initial ignition timing and 20* mechanical advance with about another 12* vacuum advance. It's all about the whole combination.
There's no need to disconnect and plug the vacuum advance if you're using ported vacuum. The cylinders are numbered via the intake manifold runners, distributor turns counterclockwise. Timing marks are on the harmonic balancer outer ring. Most Ford V8's run best with the initial timing set between 10-16* BTC. The factory setting is 6* BTC, which is retarded.