I just saw Snow, a new company specializing in water/methenol injection on Horsepower TV. The numbers they pulled were great and the system looked simple and inexpensive. They got around 40 hp more with pump gas and snow, than 110 race fuel. Does anyone know about this? Anyone have it? Maybe I should buy one and be the first water/meth maverick.
I think a couple may have it on there cars. Summit sells meth/water injection systems for around 350 of so, depending on the tanks size.
These systems are designed for those engines that need help, unless you're taking your motor to the limits of compression(turbo/super charging or building it with an 11 to 1 + comp ratio) and ignition timing, Water/Methanol injection is a complete waste of your money. It's also nothing new, this has been around for decades, dating back before and during WWII. It was used in fighter aircraft in the war.
I've seen some DIY mods for doing this to any engine. Supposedly you can get some extra mpgs from it on a street application.
Friend of mine has a Mopar with that system. He loves it. Stock motor on his daily driver. That small thing that has a grill like a 53 Chevy truck. What do they call that? Chrysler something. Great system on a merlin 12 cylinder Mustang P51 or a Spitfire. But those V12s only got 500 hrs with the best tuning useing that system. Lots of corrosion and run away revs. That system is used today on turbo Jet engines in aircraft as an emergency back up with a RADO unit mounted in the tail. I was an Aircraft Mech. I wouldnt do it unless I was not accountable for the aftermath. But alot of guys live like that and pay later. 3 Divorces 6 Kids and lots of alimony and child support. Just sayin. Play now pay later.
Agreed! I have an "AlkyControl" kit on my turbo truck which allows me to bump the boost from 18# to 23# without backing down any timing. No benefit whatsoever to a low compression driver unless maybe you're pulling trailers in the mountains...