I got the biggest phillips that Lowe's had and it's still loose in the screw. Where do you get that "impact driver" ???
I've recently been told that the Trunk weatherstrip should be placed on the LID, NOT THE TRUNK LIP, so that the water that makes it through the weatherstrip stops at the lip. It honestly made sense to me but, can any of you guys rebut this argument?
I can!! In all reality....it probably does not make a bit of difference. But...how fun will it be trying to glue the weatherstrip to the trunk lid and hold it in place while the glue dries? One would have to remove the trunk lid and lay it down in order to glue the weatherstrip to the lid.
Yeah you're right about that! So probably it won't make any difference other than being a pain to install?:confused:
Moving the door striker I will second getting an impact driver to move that sucker. I have a huge phillips screwdriver ... 2 feet long! Couldn't budge the striker. Not even pushing it in with one hand, and using a slip joint pliers on the shaft to try and turn it. A cheapie impact driver (I think I got it from Harbor Freight) got it loosened, and I still had to use a phillips tip in a rachet to have enough leverage to get it out. This wasn't rust ... my car is pretty solid. It is almost like the striker, washer and body set up some kind of electrolysis over the years and strikers weld themselves in ... weird!
Who has the weather seals for are cars that I don't have to take alone out for ...I need the door seal's,window felt,the ones that keep the window from rattling.trunk. side windows and don't want to spend $400.00. $250.00 would be nice. I've been on eBay, Steele