Couldn't sleep. Been up since 1 AM. Was rooting round Google looking for his light colored Pinto & found that picture.
Wanna see some more, take a look at the vintage Mavericks/Comets I have on my FaceBook page: You will have to be logged into FaceBook to view these.
quote This content is currently unavailable The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page end quote Would like to see the pictures, if you can post them ?
I took this photo back in 1973. It was a second car added for match race bookings and was driven by Ken Dondero (who actually looked alot like Don Nicholson).
Sorry bout that...I just figured out you have to be logged into Facebook to be able to view them. If you have a FB account you can click the link. I think I have over 100 drag racing Maverick/Comet pics there.
I do have an account there. Comes up the same after logging in. Very rare for me to go there though. Hate the way it is set up & works. Plus I raise Pheasants etc. So joined up & a bunch of bird people wanted to be "friends". Not knowing about the site, I clicked "yes". Ended up with a bunch of people I do not know posting junk I have no interest in & nothing to do with birds !