hello all looking for any new ideas on getting rid of the leaf springs making room for 10 in wheels on my 71 comet and maybe some measurments on rear housing used to fit how much did you have to cut the inner wells ?
mini tub the inside wheel wells. cut out the small radius on the inside behind the back seat, and square up the corners. gives you about 1in moer room which should be enough for 10in tires. make sure you have no more than a 4 1/2in offset. always measure 3 times and cut once. moving the springs inboard is alot ofwork.
Relocate the springs in 3" (there are several ways to do this). Use a set of Cal-Tracks. Mini tub the rear wheel houses. Now you can put just about any tire you want in the well with the proper back space on the wheels.
I just finished moving the leaf springs to the inside of the frame rails, almost ready to install the carbon fiber tubs. Let me know if you need some pics.
I think what you where trying to say was Big Motors =Wheel Stands You have no need to worry about that!! (insert just kidding smily)
Crites sells a kit to move the leafs inboard 3" on each side. But you can make your own. Thier offset shackles look a bit flimsy to me. I am installing a 9" thats narrowed to 52.5" ( I dont recomend narrowing this muchto anyone who isnt noching and renforcing the rear frame rails), that way its easier to change rear tires. Mini tub. there is some great threads with pics here on tubbing. Caltracs are a must have. Im also looking at coil overs, also increasing the angles and a rear torque bar (Sway Bar with a twist). Lotta work involved, if you dont have the skill set it will cost a bundle. check out the thread "9' rear". I got some good schooling there.