The car has been sitting since 89 more or less, before I got it. Its a 4 lug car with drum brakes all the way around. From the day I got her the brake were shot. After replacing the master cyl and bleeding the system. They worked, but I noticed one of the drums in the rear leaking. So yesterday I ordered new shoes front and rear. And new wheel cyl front and rear from Autozone. Im 26 so all my cars thus far have been disk. But I hate having other people do work on my cars I can do myself. My question is what else may need to be replaced while Im at? I know there is an all in one set for each the front and rear that has all the replacement hardware and springs. Also a self adjustment kit for the front and rear too. Are these things usually needed? I want to change all the soft lines too for good measure, but where can i find a complete set? Hopefully Ill gather everything by this weekend cause my To Do check list on this car is long!. Any advice on changing the brakes out would be appreciated.. Thanks guys
Hey 66170, I've done the same thing that you are now doing, and not very long ago. I didn't find the front two and back one brake hoses together as a kit, but you can find them and they aren't too much. You are changing out the wheel cylinders and the shoes at the same time, while you are at it go ahead and have all of the drums turned, with the front two and the rear two having matching inside diameters. O'Reillys did mine with no problem at all. The guys here will also tell you to make sure that the auto adjuster isn't seized, I used the copper based anti-seize on mine. Clean everything really well, check your wheel bearings and grease 'em up really well while you have the drums off. You won't have any problems. I took pictures of each side with my cell phone after I pulled off the drums, just to make sure that I put them back together right! CommieHook P.S. Be sure to put the shoes on like the old ones are. The primary shoe is smaller and faces forward, I think.
I see you have a 70. The front brake hoses are hard to find. Have your drums checked to see if they can be turned. The rest of the parts are inexpensive. I would consider buying all 4 wheel cylinders, all in one hardware kits for front and back, self adjuster repair kits for all 4 wheels and replacement shoes. Make sure you spray the metal lines at each tube nut with something like PB Blaster. Get yourself some good line wrenches. You may be able to get the hold down tool and spring pliers through the loaner program at the local parts store.
Thanks for all the advice guys!.. Im going to order the rest of what I need today. Hopefully I can find those lines tho. Does any other cars brake lines match up?
Craig is right. Nothing else is close to a match. You still have your old hoses? Take them to a hydraulic hose repair shop. They can put your old ends onto a new hose.
Yeah all my lines are currently there. They seem to be all fine but Ill know this weekend. I just came from autozone and as I thought. They had to order the all in one kits as well as all 4 adjusters. Ill look up a shop that can possibly remake all the hoses tomorrow. The few times I have driven the car I noticed it pulls to one side when braking. What could that be?..
If your front lines are not good, I have a set I just took off my 70 Maverick. I converted from drums (they are five lug) to disc's and can remove the front rubber lines if you like, they look like they are pretty good condition. Here is a picture of one but I have both that haven't been taken off the backing plate/wheel cylinder yet. Let me know.
That's what I was thinking too. I rebuilt everything on the 4-wheel drum brakes and shortly thereafter did the front disk conversion with all new brakes again. Tried to sell the new front drum brakes and 5-lug spindles but no takers. Did manage to give it all away to avoid scraping them. Would have been smarter to do the disk conversion in the beginning.
Trust me disk brake on this joint would be a dream. But after only $150 buck for everything to freshen em up plus a can of ford blue to finish em off. Im just happy the car will be able to stop!. Its not my DD nor is it fast (200ci). One day this baby will recieve a 302, 9" rear end and all power wheel disk . But prolly not for another year or so. Just looking forword to getting her back on the road an doing some around town cruz'n this summer..