I was thinking of making my own with some sturdy 1" ID 3/16"" thick steel tubing I have, just weld them in crosswise. Does anyone think this would work if I can clear the exhaust?
The thickness is sufficiant, but 1" dia is too small.I recommend 1 1/2" --2" round or square tube.It looks like you want to go from 1 side to the other. That will have no benefit.Connectors go fron the front spring perch to the subframe on the same side. I have a set that was made by a gent named Rudy who rarely posts here anymore and has maverick cars with them on it. You might find a pic of them somewhere
Do you really need to say something? Grow up a little, you're a big man. It's the stupid personal jabs that don't add any value to this board, that really turn people off.
Yeah Ron, saying things like "I think I just threw up in my mouth", when some one puts an idea out there,
Ward, I'd love to see what you have to say, but since I've blocked everything you have to add, I can't, and I refuse to change my settings.
Yes they will work with some simple "engineering". That's what I have on mine for 20+ years now. The Mustang frame rails are little wider than a Mav's so I put some shims in to take up the space. 1/4" maybe, don't remember exactly. Other than that they bolt right in.
Oh, I see now, I thought they tied the subframes in an "X" and joined in the middle too, I was thinking that would add some support for hard cornering. Thank you!
I hope I'm not giving anything away but TOPORANGER said he working on subframe connectors that will tie into the outer rockers into the subframe frames, I'm thinking kind of like a web that will stregthen the whole car, especially for road course type driving. Dave, just knowing that I pointed out the hypocrisy in your statement and that you felt the need to reply to my post, whether you read it or not, to me is priceless!
There is nothing wrong with asking questions. its better than doin it the wrong way and then having to remove it and start over. by askin questions, you learn from others mistakes and knowledge. hopefully It cuts some corners for you. Good luck DC 12. If you learn something every day, you make yourself a better person(smarter).TTFN Ron:Handshake
If you do this ( "X" them), you could tie them in with a driveshaft loop and maybe get everything to clear. Really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. Just tying them front to rear will stiffen everything up, which would be more than sufficient for occasional trips to the drag strip, as most of the forces are linear. If you're wanting everything to tie together laterally as well, you'd want to X them, or otherwise tie them together from side to side. Really just depends on what you're shooting for as an end result.
Thank you. It sounds silly but I really like to do anything I can for the car to handle a little better and last a little longer, I've never been much of a drag racing enthusiast but I've always loved F1 and I'm pretty good with gokarts I can feel (and hear) a little flex in the car going around corners, which used to not happen much because the carb floats were adjusted wrong so if I cornered too hard it would just run like crap. But now I'm all DIY fuel injected and I want to upgrade wheels to 15" or 16" to make the sidewalls smaller and lower it a little... Rambling, sorry. I'll definitely find some box steel and tie the front and rear together and rig a crossmember/driveshaft loop in the future. Are these connectors strong enough to jack the car up from if I use the suggested steel size?