yes its a white gel coat that can be painted. My friend has been doing fiberglass work for about 15 years so i trust him in helping me out with these.. I was the brains behind it he is the bronze... (To be honest i can't fiberglass for crap.)
Wasnt just for you, just in general from other people besides moderators acting like moderators. Help can be in form of a PM. Or just let it be and if a moderator dosnt like it then they do what they do, and they do a great job.
"But, Maverick Man makes a fiberglass one for $168.00...." If this true, then what price are you thinking? I do need a spoiler.
MaverickMan MADE a fiberglass one. Not available last time He posted he said if he made them again they would be made different and more expensive.
they are all right... that is old information. I believe he is now charging $400 for all 3 pieces. I have not yet figured a price but most likely 200-250
correct but if i got off my "lazy ass" and made them again that way... they would be at that price again. IMO they shouldn't cost anymore then that in fiberglass unless it was pre-preg.... is that "blunt" enough. to the OP: have fun making the end caps. lol!
Some people are so grumpy on here... some of you need to take a chill pill. the 1/4 extensions are the side pieces to the center of the spoiler am i correct? If i am wrong please tell me I have been under the impression there were only 3 pieces to the spoiler. Middle and the right and left pieces that make the spoiler look rounded to an extent.
well i have the original ones so i will be making a mold out of those.. then from there i will be producing fiberglass ones and sending them to someone to see how they fit once all kinks are fixed i will be able to produce them and sell them.
Well to me the way you seem to be making them will end up with a low retail cost...quality wont be amazing and will probably need a little finishing but not much and should retail for a very decent price as long as you don't try and jack the price way up. we all know you need to make money, but it cant be crazy priced. i'd like to know what your retail would be for it now that i know how you will be producing them.