That's how I interpreted it... However, the "Moron" comment was a bit harsh and unnecessary. My bride knows she can easily locate me in the garage/driveway, (if she needs me), tinkering with a car and would prefer my spending money on it rather than finding me in a saloon or a house of ill-repute. If that classifies me as a "Moron," then so be it. Price comparison on parts for a 2004 Mustang and a 1972-77 Maverick/Comet, the latter wins every time as I've dealt with both. In your case, sadube5389, it is no hobby. So, I do understand your irritation.
Your right, it's not a hobby so it is frustating. We just wanted the car because it was really cool, not because we wanted to fix it up. If I was planning on restoring the car then I would have expected to put lots of money into it. I'm not saying anyone is a moron. You guys are all great for putting so much time into your cars instead of having bad habits that your wives wouldn't like.I wish someone would come fix up our car and then give it back to me for free lol. It's just that you can't be happy when something goes wrong and its gonna cost you money...a fridge, a new car, a house...Its all frustrating when your spending money that you didn't plan to spend. Now if I was looking foward to replacing the motor or something like that and I knew I wanted to spend 2,000 bucks then no it wouldn't bother me! I'm not downing old cars or my comet. I love this car but it is sooo annoying when things go wrong. Thank you to all of you who were helpful. I appreciate it. Didn't mean to cause an uproar.
Its a good car. It needs to be personalize to someone's taste as far as seats, paint, etc. but in my opinion, its not in need of a full restoration. Maybe it is, maybe we got a bad deal on it, I don't know. But I need $3000 to get my money back on it. If not then I'll be keeping it til it dies! Then maybe it will become a hobby of ours to get it fixed back up. I have no idea if it is rust free. How would I find this out?
sheesh there sure are a lot of comments dogging teens. i dont no about u guys but i got my mav at 16, mostly cause my dad wanted it just as much as i did and it was 4500, almost completely rust free and very pretty. now when it comes to the mechanics of the car it wasnt worth half tht but i love my car with a passion and never get mad tht its broken or in my case wrecked while my mom was driving it (vehicular failure plus person pulling out in front of her) when i got home with it i told my dad, "well now i have something to work on." with a smile knowing my mom wasnt hurt and my car wood survive. its true tht one of the first times i drove it i hit 100 but i baby it and no my and my cars limits. i have enough sense to no tht my family doesnt have money to spare so gas is always tight. thts y i know better than to "lead-foot" it. and even though im 17 now, my parents raised me to have the mindset about money, old cars, and problems tht most of u have. i just thought id share this with all of u so tht u woodnt think tht this generation isnt completely lost
I don't think your generation is completely lost. I do think your generation lost the ability to type anything I can read though... No offense.
Yeah, that texting gibberish is hard for me too! I don't even have it on my phone. Being a " senior member ", I actually recall that phones were for talking!
haha! its true, anything digital i type and text is very short handed. it comes from texting and quick typing notes on a computer. i do apoligize.
No apology necessary! Of course my nephew and niece ( 22 and 20 ) use " text talk " and so do all their friends. I'm just stuck in my old ways and I'm reluctant to go to school again. I see this all the time on personalized license tags, and have made it somewhat of a point to try and figure them out! Some are very clever!
We're not "dogging" teens. We're meerly pointing out the obvious facts that we know to be true. How do we know them to be true ? Cause we've ALL been teens too. I got my first "car" too, but at 17 and I had to pay for it. No one gave it to me, I had to earn it and learn how to fix it. I had to buy my own gas for it (69 Ford Club wagons get about 10 mpg) although gas then was 40 cents a gallon, but my first job I only made $1.75/hr.
if old cars were as common now as they were then, i would have gladly taken the time to earn it myself, which i would have probably done with another car if i hadnt gotten the maverick but it was just one of those "get it before its gone moments" you know? and i work hard ,when i get the chance, to put the parts on it and the gas in the tank. and i know you guys werent dogging teens, it just made me laugh when i read all of your guys posts and i pictured a buch of adults sitting around having a "back in my day" conversation hahaha! one thing though about my car is i cant claim ownership of it until im 18 and my dad puts it in my name so i cant work on it the way id like to. unless i have his permission of course, but tht'll never happen. im always hearing "dont turn a bolt on that car unless i say so." and obviously i know that he knows about cars more than i do by a long shot but he thinks i have not one ounce of knowledge when it comes to cars. he always has this "master plan" and never lets me know what it is. kind of annoying actually.