Curious what everyone is running at the track...I have been M/T 10.5W and that is the biggest I could fit! Been wanting to try others but wanted to see what you guys thought 1st? Goodyear, Hoosiers or Phoenix are options! Any difference in life or wear or even 60 foot times?
I used to run MTs, Then I got my first set of Hoosiers. I have never looked back from that time on. The good thing about them is you don't have to get them very hot for them to work. Pull into the burn box, Haze them and pull straight to the line. My 60 foot times dropped from 1.69 to1.62. They are a little softer than the MTs so if you choose to get them don't spend a lot of time in the burn box.
M/T was my choice when I ran that size. Also if you can get a local seller and measure the slicks to get the closest size match it helps.
I have always run goodyears, not that I have any problems with anyone elses, have been running 29x9'S for years, run low 1.50 60 fts, have run 1.48 in good mineshaft conditions, an i get around 125 runs out of them. Duane
I have run MT's for longer than some of you have been out of diapers. Tried Goodyears and M&H's but never anything else. I currently have 13x31x15's MT's.
We've had great success with M/T in the smaller sizes and Phoenix slicks in 29x11.5 and 31x12.25 on Dad's Thunderbird.
I know our cars stock are slightly different, but what size slicks do you recommend for stock wheel well?
9 Inch is all you should need 26X9 sould do it Thats what we run on my sons maverick and he runs 13.5 in his street car.