Mine has been known by several names over the last 24 years of ownership. Big Mav, Cookie Monster and currently "The Blue Car".
my dad owned it and called it supermav. so when he passed away I bought the car from my mom and the name stuck. I also use it for my screen name.
"Della". It was originally purchased in 1973 by my wife's great grandmother, she drove it until they put her in a nursing home. Then stored it for many years until she died, then I got it. They called it "The Della-mobile" for years while she drove it, I shortened it to "Della". I just turned over 61,000 miles on it today. Yes, a true 61,000 miles. She never drove it enough to turn the odometer over.
Haven't named mine yet. For me it's knida like naming a puppy. Gotta wait and see what the puppy's personality is. Don't wanna stick a name like Ghengis Khan's Rampage on a dog that shld be a "Fluffy." Haven't been able to drive my Mav enough yet to determine what his-or-her personality is (or even it's gender...).
I like that! My girls call the green car "Bingo" since it had a bumper sticker about "This car stops at all bingo halls" on the back bumper when I bought it, the 74 Grabber is the "White Car" and the other 73 Grabber is the "Brown Car" or "Alicia's Car" since she talked me into buying it....
Well.. yes its Greek for Unicorn. But I named it after the constellation. As it is a car from the Ford era of the horse... but named after a unbranded calf? Wtf. Unicorn it is. I like it..