Looking to get an electric installed on my 74 Mav and was wondering what kind of brands you guys use? Is there one more preferred over others? What's the difficulty level for this installation? Car is pretty much stock but I'm looking to just get as much from the motor for now(milage wise) since my next Mav/Comet will be more performance based. Cheers!
lol my bad. I meant Electric Fan. Yeah, multitasking in between windows can sometimes cause you to miss a few things.
A lot of the folks run the Ford Taraus 2 spd fan. I think it draws quite-a-bit of current on hi-spd. If u have a stock 45amp alt u might have some issues w/ carrying the battery to a low charge state if u drive a lot at nite or/and have other add electric devices. Actually, I think u might have problems, regardless of when u drive. I run a 16" Flex-a-Lite #118 it advertised as drawing 18.5 amps; I believe the Taraus draws more. Another thing to consider, is the total thickness of any aftermarket unit u consider. If memory serves me, my fan assembly is abt 3 3/16 thick, that's abt as thick as u can go for the V8 engine. Don't know abt the inlines. If I were going to buy one today I wud buy the new Derale 17" @ 2 5/8" thick 23.5 amp draw. The small amt of thickness makes quite a difference when mounting.
I've built several fan shrouds over the years out of alum. Install a universal fan from any autoparts store. I suggest using a coolant temp switch in the head to power a relay to turn it on. You have to search for on that comes on in the range you like.
Im running a 16" autozone fan its about as thick as you can go and has to be offset some to clear the waterpump pulley