so i ran across a guy today that likes how the big bumper are built....he bought my rusty one off my comet he is going to use it on his derby he might be looking for more of them....but i only no where rusty ones are.... what do u think would be a good price for a bug bumper i search the sales post and didnt find a big bumper for sale
Not based on anything my price to sell would be $75. . I know nothing on their value so I may be way off..
I agree with Gene I'm parting out a 76 right now and I'm not even going to take the bumpers off. I'll leave them there for scrap weight value. But if somebody wanted them I'd try to get a few bucks for my time.
when i said rusty i ment started to rust away around here a good bumper could win u $1000 bucks in a derby thats a lil high for around here yea i was going to scrap it and stop by this guys store and ask him did he wanna by it
Well.. Not everyone on here spells everything correctly. And ALOT of people also don't concern themselfs with punctuation and the very least grammer.. It is hard sometimes to understand some things..
I will be glad to meet both of you.. Hopefuly some peace will come before then.. . Otherwise I will bring a spelling bee competition book (a dictionary ) and we can settle it then
wel u ask 4 it i said i was going to do this just for the h4ll of so here it go im going to just type it out so i hope ur ready ffor it because ill just start off a lil slow the it will gtte woese and worse then u willl tri to fix it but it will take u a hour so where do i begain wth all ths well i try to read this sdo i no ur going to have fun with this 1 hear becuse i can do this all day and i still have even found something to talkabout yet so when u get AROUND to it then u can starert fixxing thid because the fsdaet i type more provlems i type so maybe i was just up to good i forgot i was say so ill start somewhere well i have never been to the gathering i think it will bee funn sowhen dose everyone wanna meet up and go to the junk yardandwalkthoughtthetickinfestedweedstotryandfindsomegoodolekentuckyjunk elihw a gniog uoy keep dluohs siht
nah no need it that now my computer has spell check for that..... but most of the time im on here late half a sleep just typing away, then ill post some thing before i reread it so there is that and for the other guy u do no that things that go n to the mountains of ky usually stay there right beerchug: nohijacking: