They're neat! just bad that they're not DOT legal. I've only seen the blue ones before, but I like these much more.
Yes it does, any car registered to drive on the road must meet DOT standards. The antique tags would just be to meet your state requirements, but DOT trumps those. Like how federal laws trump state laws. I think it just might be the blue/red ones, white ones you should be fine. But I'd only use them at shows. These lights are all over ebay if anyone wants a set.
I like them, i bought a set a few years ago but they were blue and i didn't like one bit. These ones i like!
looks scary! Cool pic.. I use Sylvannia Silverstar High Performance ...they are bright! And the right color temp (5200K) to see at night... the blue lights to me are like trying to use a led flashlight to work with. Its like 2-D no depth perception.
I did two things; I used the headlights mentioned above, and I ran 3 10 gauge wires to each headlight (high, low, and negative)direct from the battery + and -, with two bosch relays inline, one for the high beams of each light, and one for the low beams of each light. The relays ( one for the high of each light and one for the low of each light)are turned on from ONE of the old headlights plug socket. The other socket is not used. No cutting of wires!!! You figure out which "spade" connector on the socket is high, low and negative, then run the "high" to one of the relays, the low to the other relay. Use extra wide "spade" male crimp connectors to go in the headlight plug. And 10 Guage wire. So now, when you turn on the headlights, the low beam relay gets power and connects the battery directly to the headlights on each side. Click on the high beams, and the headlight plug's old high beam wire enegizes the high beam relay! Before I did this I tested the voltage at the headlights with the headlight hanging out of the car, plugged in, car running. At the battery I had 14.2 volts, and at the headlight I had 12.3... So now with the heavy wire, I have 14.1... The battery power for the headlights is no longer having to travel through 40 year old tiny wires into the dash, switch, and back to the headlights anymore.. If you dont upgrade the wiring in this manner it doesnt matter if you put those Chinese 100 watt halo bulbs in your car the wiring will burn up and they wont be very bright either.. As me how I know I did this in My Ford Van ansd started popping the fuses... I trashed the blue lights after doing reasearch on what the eye can see in, put the Sylvannia Silverstar High Performance DOT legal lights in... There is a 55W/65W max legal wattage here in California.. Look up color temp visible light spectrum on Google.. The blue -er you go, towards the ricer purple(6800-8,000K) the more lumens and higher wattage you need to make up the difference in the loss of lumens, or light. Sunlight is around 5,000K give or take.