actually now that looking at all the pictures, 77-78 pinto lights are the only other ones that look correct on our cars.... in my opinion.
I guess my issue is that the pinto lights look weak. I've ordered a set of 1973 Mustang lights off ebay and I'll see how they look.
in my opinion i think it should be the ones that work...... i have to many tickets for busted tail lights
Maverick/comet taillights I recently purchased a set of 1965 thunderbird taillights to put on my Comet GT. Does anyone have a good picture of what it would look like with those taillights? They are the ones that shelby's had. Thank you. Let me know and Thanks again.
If you peruse the gallery here.. there are more than a few who've done it.. but most are on the more plain looking Mavericks.
They look awesome. My friend has them on his Maverick. On Mavericks, it's not a simple matter of cutting two holes and bolting them in (but on Comets, it is). There is bodywork involved because of the raised section across the middle of the taillight panel. The T-bird lights are slightly taller than that raised section.