From picking up kparkhill's(Kelly) car. First I'd like to thank Kelly for the free car as well as helping load it, my roommate's mom Carolyn for selling me the trailer without payment til' I can come up with it, and my dad for giving up his weekend to help me! The interior in the car is I'd say 9/10. The bad part is the bottom of the car is very rusty. I guess sitting in a moist garage rusted it pretty badly. The top half of the car looks great! When I got home I washed some of the dirt off, the paint still has a shine. The hood has no rust at all a few dings but nothing major. And the best part, the dash pad with no cracks and is still soft!
I was going to fix it but after seeing how much rust was under it I'm going to part it. I'm going to use most of the interior and save the glass for my car. Then probably sell the rest of the good parts to pay for the trailer.
I don't think the booster is any good, the check valve is melted from the fire which I'm guessing the diaphragm is probably trash. The brake calipers are rusted solid and the rotors are trashed as well. I haven't checked the a/c compressor but the lines going in to it are melted too as well as most of the engine harness. Strangely though the carb still looks fine.
This will be one of the parts going up for sale! It will be a package deal with the frame stands, motor mounts (if they're still good), belly bar, trans crossmember, exhaust manifolds and oil pan. I think I may sell the fan shroud separate.
amazing condition on the interior ... is that a factory tag or dealer item still wrapped around the steering column? If you are going to be selling disc brake parts, folks really tend to want the spindles and caliper brackets. Calipers and discs can be had new and only really push shipping costs up. There is a nifty trick where the spindles and brackets fit into a large priority box to ship .... a little like a puzzle. I see sports mirrors.
It will be for sale when I get the car apart, I'll make a classified ad when I'm ready. I don't know when I'll get the car apart as I work a lot. Sorry non of the interior pieces are going to be for sale.