What year T5 will hook up to a 1973 302? I had a 1977 Mustang T5 in my sights when he sold it. It would have been perfect as it was all mechanical and all I had to do was pull out the 3 speed and put in the T5 (except for the support mount). At what year did they switch from the manual to I guess its hydraulic? Not sure but I'm told that I'll have to make a few conversions.
I would not reccomend attempting this swap unless you have some good help. A T5 was not hydraulic in the Mustang applications. they were cable operated. I think some Camaros got the T5 with hydraulic throw out bearing but we wont go there. A 1977 would have been a Mustang II, a different trans but still could have been a manaul hooked up to 302. You will need to adapt your clutch pedal to a clutch cable with the Mustang Steve kit, or the more complicated hydraulic setup. Since you already have the clutch pedal I would go with the cable setup. You can use any T5 out of a 79 to 93 Mustang. If you have a stock v8 or I6 you can even use the 4 cyl T5 which can be a good bit cheaper. They are still good to 240 torque. Yous still need the v8 bell housing, flywheel, clutchset. And then the custom cross member.
I have a lot of people ready to help me with this project. My problem is making sure that I get the right T5. That mustang T5 would have been perfect as it came with the bell housing and even the drive shaft. It is a stock 302. I just wasn't sure what year Mustang T5 I could use to minimize the headaches.
They are all the same headache as long as you stay with in the Fox Body mustang years. There are World Class and Non World Class versions with in those years. And 3 or 4 different gear clusters inside with different gear ratios. But any will work for a stock 302. the World class versions from 86 and up (I think) are just quiter and smoother.
The way to tell the difference is the seal in the front of the trans it should say world class around the edge. I believe they have a stronger gear set but i'm not sure. But there is a difference. http://members.shaw.ca/betterthanyoutoo/t5front.jpg
Stay away from anything from a 4 cylinder. The gearing just sucks with a V8. Here is a nice chart that shows many of the T5 applications from Fords. http://www.fordmuscle.com/archives/2000/09/t5swap/index2.shtml
Be happy tou didn't end up with that Mustang II trans it woulden't have been a T-5 they only came with 4 speeds and were cable clutch operated. You are basically looking for a 5 speed from a 85-93 v8 mustang.
I kinda disagree.....I had an EFI 302 in a Factory5 Cobra with a Turbo Thunderbird T5 and it was much better gearing than the 5.0 T5, at least for that light car...Fifth gear was more of a true fifth than an overdrive and the rest of the gears seemed lower and more fun for spirited driving even though i'm sure it wouldn't have taken much drag racing abuse.....
OK, I hear that you need to do this and you need to do that when swapping to a T5. Well the truth is you can use the stock clutch linkage with the bell housing and clutch setup you already have. I would however recommend using a roller crank pilot. All you need to do is find a T5 from a fox body with a 5.0, say 85 to 92 or so. The early ones are normal and the later ones will be World Class. Then take the bell housing out and modify it with this part http://www.cjponyparts.com/CPC+T-5+Adapter+Plate+For+6-Bolt+Bellhousings+1965-1973/p/T5AP/. Then all you need to do is either build you a transmission cross member or get with a member here and get one of the ones he builds. Measure and cut a hole in the tunnel for the shifter to go through. Most that do the conversion have used the stock drive shaft (when I did mine I used the stock drive shaft). Don't let it scare you, it is a easy swap. Try to stay away from the 4 and 6 cylinder transmissions unless you find one out of a Thunderbird Super Coupe, they have differences that you will have to deal with. It is easier to just stay with the v8 transmissions. You do not need to go with a cable or hydraulic system. Good luck with the swap, you will love it when you are done.
Once again I find myself in awe with knowledge and kindness of the members here. Thank you! I have a much better feel for what to look for and hopefully I'll be able to find a good T5 for my Maverick.
Thats what I would do If I had a manual trans car to begin with. I forget about these adapters because most are going from auto to T5 so they dont already have all the factory clutch stuff. This would be a real simple swap if you already have a manual car. One thing Im not sure about. Those of us that went from C4 to t5 used our stock driveshaft. But did the factory manual trans cars have the same length driveshaft?
The yoke from the original 3 spd stick drive shaft from my mav, does not fit my WC T-5. Most who do the swap are or want to use headers...Headers and the stock linkage are a no go in some instances (Like mine) So, hence the change to cable/hyd clutch systems.
Why is that? I've never seen headers that didn't allow for the stock clutch linkage, except maybe shorties.