My seats are exactly like cruizin's. I would like them redone the same as his have been done... but with seatbelt slots like the seats in jimmy2gates car has. I wish I could find someone who would do them, for me.
i checked with another guy today just to get somemore prices and he told me 800.00 i said WHAT!!!!! he said the material cost 150, i said to myself well where is the other 650.00 coming from
I am a professional upholsterer and believe me, $800 is not in any manner out of line. There is a right way and a wrong, (corner cutting) way of doing the job. If it is done the right way it should take approx 8 hrs to do a bench seat and 10 to 12 to do a set of buckets. With labor rates at $60 to $80 per hr plus tax it don't take long to hit that price. Then there is all the materials you don't think of because they seldom are itemized. An 8 oz spool of thread is up towards $40 and bobbins are $70 + for a gross, (144) scrim (foam padding that is used under the material is $8 to $13 per yard depending on the density and the adhesive is $30 to $40 a gallon for the good stuff. I have never been known to be "cheap" in my pricing but I have not had one customer in 42 years that has come back later and said they are not happy with the job but I have had numorous new customers bring in jobs that they just had done for a low budget price and they looked it. I guess it is like this, you get what you pay for. Looks are deceiving. If you are in doubt ask them if you can talk to some of their customers and see what they have to say. Good luck
Labor, unless it said non profit over his door? Which I highly doubt. The guy does have the right to make a living doesn't he?
Yea he does just like everybody else, BUT im just looking for something that looks nice not NOS looking but if i was then maybe, but on another project