Hey there Car Lovers! My daughter, the actual Forum member on here, AbbyMYMaverick, is a senior in HS in Keller, Texas and plays on the Drumline in the marching band. She is the owner of our fabulous 1970 Maverick pictured below. Her car has inspired me to host a fundraiser for the band... we are going to have a Car Show and Bike Show to raise money for the band. They are trying to make it to State (Texas) this year, so we are spending tons of extra money that we don't have. ANYWAY- I am on here to ask for a few things: 1. we need a really fun name for the Show... any suggestions? 2. Has anyone been to a car show that they loved or hated and have suggestions on do's, don't's and what we should charge for entry fees... etc... I know you all have fabulous input to help, so if you can that would be fantastic!!! Thanks in advance for your help!
Alot of people will attend a car show and show off their cars, but not as many are willing to pay to be judged in the shows. I see car show entries from $10 to $30. I myself have never paid to participate in the judging part. I would think the lower the entry fee the more people will enter. You also have look at the awards to be given out and make sure you dont spend too much on them that wont eat up all the proceeds. Talk to the Trophy and Plaque shops to see if any will sponsor the event with free awards. Also look for companies to donate items to be raffled off. When I managed an auto parts store I would get schools and charities come in and ask if we could sponsor or donate to the show. It usually wasnt too hard for me to get approval to donate a small floor jack or something in the $20-40 range. Also we would sometimes put togethor car wash kits in a bucket with soap and wax and donate a couple of those too. Just gotta put in the leg work and ask around.
for a...fund raiser...show, just do it as a...cruise in type...50/50 raffle, bake sale and door prizes. $10 entry fee....do a...peoples choice award only. if you have a...DJ...make sure the music isn't too loud. first time shows are a little slow. try to plan it on a date that doesn't run with a big car show in the same area... as for a catchy name... Terrys Church does...Christmas in July...every year. ...Good luck...:Handshake
Thank you for your help! All of this is such great information! I wouldn't have thought to go to stores for raffle donations... Thats awesome!!! Where would I find out what car shows are going on in the spring around the time that we are trying to do this?
maybe check with some of the local car clubs. or another place may be the auto parts stores can at least tell you who to check with. around here they get together and put out a pamphlet in the spring listing all the local events for the year in the surrounding area. in the frozen north here those events go dormate from oct. till march.
Check with your local newspaper or T.V station for other shows, and while you are there might as well let them know all about your show!
You could also check with the local radio station. They like to do on site broadcasts (most of the time). This will get the message out to many more people.