Has anyone bought these door handles? http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-1970-77...Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d35551c9f&vxp=mtr They are supposed to be exact reproductions. From what I'm reading no one does these, but these guys say they are new. They seem like a good price, mine are all pitted so would have to be rechromed.. Thanks, Dianne
That seller is AutoKrafters - which is a good seller of car parts used by 100's of members here. Go to their website and see all the parts they have.
I'm sure shipping will be extra. They can get almost anything for a Maverick from the same vendors that AK gets theirs from. They also stock some Maverick parts. Since Melvin's is in the next town over from me I buy a lot of my Maverick parts from them. I think they are working on a Maverick catalog...but don't hold your breath
I bought the ones from Auto Krafters Inc. since they seem to have parts for Mavericks. I kind of like to support those that make things I need :-D Thanks everyone!
Thanks Craig. Maybe one day they'll make fenders or source them if they are getting the orders and demand, or the demand by knowing about this site. Maybe they'll make it in the states instead of China. I don't want to sound like a political nut job, but I manufacture some products in Idaho, so Made in America. It doesn't mean much but we have to make it. I also think we do it better than the Chinese, but some part we HAVE to get from there because no one makes them here. I could use a fender, if there were enough, maybe, just maybe they could do them, and export to Brazil - employees people in the states; so makes me real happy We're expanding manufacturing because people also like it. We want to start exporting to Australia, so I hope we all make Made in America a great thing. I want to say something here about the 70s and that car, it's made here - I LOVE THAT! It reminds me of before the Japanese imports came in. I dunno, it was a good time, this is also, but that was way awesome! And, of course, it reminds me how old I am ahahaha Just saying and I won't do that again - ahahahahahaha