From sunny and hot San Jose. I just came back from Boulder after visiting my daughter, love Colorado....... with the exception of the snow.
Yeah, I sold some more stuff in my last clean out of the sheds and garage and almost done with two of the trucks. Packed up all of the Cobra tooling and parts that I have already built and the same with the 32 Austin Bantam tooling. Closed the shop and took on a regular 5 8's job so when the time comes it's 2 weeks notice and PA HERE WE COME. Working on the house to spruce it up a little and so on. hoping for sometime next year but the sooner the better.
If I would have know we could have gotten together...................but I was babysitting my daughters little boy and girl along with the dog. If you are still there when I go next time I'll buy you lunch, I will be there after the snow leaves............................or maybe sooner.