just wanted to find out what types of car covers people have, I want to get a outdoor cover for the winter since my car going to have to say out in the weather. Has anyone used any of the covers off of ebay/any of them worth buying. I want to keep the price around 150 or below
I've never wintered cars outside but have many boats and campers. The only thing I can add, is get one that will not let water through, but can still breathe to allow trapped moisture to evaporate. If you just use a sealed tarp like cover it will trap moisture and cause damage.
here's a couple that i saw that looked ok. http://www.ebay.com/itm/7-Layer-Car...rd|Model:Maverick&hash=item2a200c8bd8&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Maveri...?forcev4exp=true&forceRpt=true#ht_2418wt_1271 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Maveri...?forcev4exp=true&forceRpt=true#ht_2327wt_1271
In my opinion, the ONLY real effective winter outside storage is a garage. Tarps, car covers, etc do more harm than good in my opinion. But hey....you gotta do what you gotta do.
When I still lived at home, I use to leave my car outside all winter. First thing I'd do is get it oil sprayed underneath, that'll keep the moisture off everything, then I used a good quality "breathable" cover. Like these: http://www.covercraft.com/carcovers/weathershield_hp.html Just make sure it's made for outside.
ya just need something for the cold months the weather here isn't to bad, typically it'll snow a few times nothing to crazy
Things to consider with a cover (some have already been mentioned) 1. A cover can "hold" moisture inside of it....on the car itself. 2. Unless fastened down 100%, wind will whip the cover around and cause possible damage to the finish of your car. 3. A cover can hide damage that occurs to your car that you are not aware of. Windows get cracked, limbs fall off trees and cause damage, then roll off behind the car and not seen, etc. 4. With a cover on the car, you are less likely to go out and start the car every once in awhile. A car just "sitting" causes more damage than a car that is regularly started and driven. Knowing your situation, I would just parked the car in the open and take my chances with no cover versus what could happen with a cover.
If you’re going to buy a cover to use outdoors, skip over the cheap eBay covers. Here is what the one I bought looked like after 8 months of use.
Yep the UV destroys them really fast. I got one season out of mine this year. Now it tears like paper. I had a 350 dollar cover that lasted about 2 seasons. Key is to keep the car dust free and get a cover with a soft inside that fits well. Dust the car before the cover goes back on. Hard to find so much as a scratch on my car. No cover damage at all. Nice coat of wax,keep it clean and common sense. If its really windy take off the cover. The expensive covers have a very soft inside lining. The cheap covers will scratch, like wash marks.
ya I might buy one and keep it off unless it snows or something, i'm not to worried about cold just don't want it to ice up