I first replaced the Magnaflows with Thrush turbos. The drone was better but still annoying. Then 12" glasspack blanks, installed on either side of the fuel tank, were added to the Thrush Turbos. I really like it now and get lots of compliments on the sound.
LIke I said way back in the old thread. My car is identicle to this Scoop. Difference is I know its just the mufflers/exhaust. I live with it cause I love the sound from outside the car. From inside it gets a bit much around 2500 RPM. If I drove it more I would change it. You could prove its the exhaust really fast without spending all this time and money.You need one of these. http://www.treysit.com/16.html Sirometer. Figure out your exhasut frequency at 2500 RPM. I bet the Sirometer will match your exhaust frequency on a roadtest. Read this as a quick link I found. All kinds of crazy info to send you into a tail spin.LOL. http://www.fordtechservice.dealerconnection.com/vdirs/training/cdatabase/files/30S03T0.pdf
I hate magnaflow mufflers. I paid $200 to put som eone my car and took them off the next day went and bought headers instead. I love the ROAR of the open headers but people two blocks away hear my car when it starts. I had some long cherry bombs laying around so I put them on to see how it sounds. it sounds great except it seems like its putting alot of back pressure on the motor. maybe its just me I dont know. but theyll do for now. once the car is complete Ill take it and have it all checked out.
Hahahaha there are diagrams for electrical issues, also consistent tests that usually lead to a result. Working for a dealership I'd rather an electrical concern over a wind noise/rattle/pop/creak anytime lol
It's an odd concept, but I've always found tailpipes out the back to dramatically reduce drone......... (sarcasm)
You start your car. You exit your car. You listen with your ears. You can also drive with the window placed in the down position. Preferably past a row of imports, and smile as the car alarms wail. You could place a large object on the right pedal. Then jump from said vehicle and listen.
I like the sound of my exhaust system with the windows down but it's not the same sound that someone would hear if you drive past them... I asked Jeff once to swap cars with me, he drove my car and I drove his. I drove beside and behind it so I could hear what everyone was hearing...