Thank you!!! tomorrow ,finally,we will start to paint the floor :bananaman I cant wait to see this body painted! I cant imagine
depois de 55 paginas,estou amis dedicado com emu sonho de possuir dois maverick custom!pena que o mercado brasileiro não ajude ..mas parabens assim q tiver os meus vou pedir dicas ou levar ja de uam vez p sua oficina parabens... after 55 pages,i am more and more commited qith my dream of own 2 custom mavericks,sadly the brazilian market and prices dont help me ...nice work man love it all
Thank you!,!! We are using : wash primer, rubber coat ( for stones) Primer Paint Paint Varnish Varnish Everything PPG brand
Cid, those Doug Thorleys are the headers I want! Might as well just send them up here so that I can hold on to them for you. Can't wait to see some paint on your project!
Sorry man! But I have to see if they fit! I do not feel right if I send to you a header that I'm not sure if they fits rl:
That's pretty cool!! I might build one for my basement....Hmmmmm, I wounder if my wife would like it....
Cool! You won't have anybody breaking that coffee table in half at a party. Unless you're putting glass on top of the four pistons?? Now stop building furniture and get your car done so we can see more pictures!