To the corner and back, started backing into the shop and clutch failed, new cable and it seems like it stretched or something, somehow it gained an inch of slack, checked my brackets and firewall adjuster and both were fine, could the new cable stretch like that, or do I need to look somewhere else?
what brand cable are you using? ive seen some aftermarket cables that are about half the thickness of a factory cable. if you have heavy clutch then i could easly see a cheap cable not being strong enough.
Yep wanted it to be the first day of the year that I first drove it. BTW it will definately get on down the road, big difference it it and my Blue Grabber with the 289. It's an ATP from Advance Auto Parts, it's still attached and still moves freely with no binding but it's just too long now.
It may have just not been completely seated into position on the pedal end or the fork end.It just found it's spot.
Ok I'll try that, it was hot from the drive yesterday and I couldn't look into it much, I got it back in the shop last night so now I can jack it up and take a look at it. I do want to find out what happened, not just fix it and never know what caused it, it may happen again and I'll know what it is lol.
You see this allot on the fox body forums, most of them either reccomend using the factory or the ford racing cables. Even the name brand cables tend to stretch.
I could see it stretching over a period of time but to the corner and back, what's that 4-5 times using it...
Yeah cheap cables and some not so cheap cables(like steeda) will stretch and be un useable within a very short distance. I googled "clutch cable stretch mustang" and here were a few threads on the first page. post 9 says it all on this thread "x2 Ford oem cables, however they are exspensive. What ever you do dont try the Vatozone cables, they are good for about three shifts and then they break, the only decent alteernative is the O'rielly's cable. Its been on my daily for about a year with no problems." first post is a good one.. "however after driving it for a few it seems like it comes back out.( hard to get into gear)" here is one on the infamous "Steeda" cable... "How much is a clutch cable supposed to stretch? I have a steeda setup on my car and have to adjust it weekly." yeah after looking up all the horror storys of cable clutches and dealing with one in a friends mustang I didnt have a hard time going with a hydraulic setup.
I went through 2 cables in 24 hours once, both new from Oreillys and autozone. With a stock replacement clutch in my 93 mustang. One didnt stretch but the inside tube pulled out, acted like a stretched cable. the second one the outer housing just blew out, never seen that before.
It's cold and raining here so I won't go out to check it yet, I don't do cold and wet very well, gets me bones to hurting