What small mods can i do to my engine itself? i heard of switching the springs that are under the rockers.what year engine and what year v8 ? im interested in other small mods too.thank you all for your help
There's not much..that is cheap. If you rebuild, get the compression up factoring in the thicker cyl head gaskets that are used today, and maybe some head work. and headers.. IF it can breath it can do much better. But it gets rediculously expensive to try and get big horsepower with so few cubes. 5 grand and up. The six gets way better torque down low (under 2,000 RPM's ) so if it's a highway car be happy with it. Low torque grunter not high HP screamer..The 250 get very Similar mpg to the 302, it was kind of a Ford fail, but it is much easier to work on. It's better you hear this from another inline 6 fan.. go to these sites for the inline performance. https://www.fordsix.com/forum/index.php?sid=eba9d45b72ffdce189c8e7464c5064a0 http://www.fordsix.com/ http://www.classicinlines.com/
So switching the rocker springs out of my 250cid to replace them with 302 springs wont do much?Would they not seal the valves tighter or make a difference on my head?
I never heard of doing that but it sounds like a bad idea on a stock engine. Again, increasing the air getting in, then out is what restricts the power potential. Carb, intake/head, exhaust. Since the intake/ head is one piece, we're kinda stuck.. Did you check out the links yet?? They really get ya thinking... dreaming...lol
Yea .lol i thought of this way back when clifford performance was clifford performance lol.anyways i just thought running different speings would make a difference. guess i gotta start looking for a nice combo for my car. intake stuck to the head is another ford fail ,in my opinion
You really don't need V8 springs unless you're turning over 6000 rpm. The stock spring will keep good valve control. The best thing you can do is swap to a '77 or later cylinder head. They have bigger valves and bigger intake log. The head will have to be milled to recoup the loss of compression due to combustion chamber size. If you’re serious about building a 6 cyl…get the Falcon Six Cylinder Performance Handbook
As an old time 6cyl fan: I must tell you that any mods on the 250cid engine is expensive. The stroke of the engines dictates that it is an engine built for torque. Therefore they rev slower. However they can be made to run real, good if you have deep pockets, and, or the expertise to make them perform. I think you should go to the links given by Captain Mack to verify this. I have run 6,s on short racing and won over some 8,s. But I have been outrun many times by V8 engines. The reason I like 6 cyl engines on street cars is they look original, but can become real sleepers.
Really great info guys i really appreciate it.i couldnt of got this info from my local mechanic , only b.s. lol he lives down the street.if i need any other info i know i can count on this whole site.thank so much once again
You can do away with the points by converting to a Pertronics Ignition and a higher output coil will help some.
do a duraspark swap im running a duraspark distributor with a msd box and coil on mine but a stock 74 up duraspark setup would be loads better then points
Pertronix all the way..!!!! Seriously... dump the points its 2013 I've been running this one, the original for @ 10 years. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ignitor-Ign...Parts_Accessories&hash=item4cf877fc2a&vxp=mtr
i once installed petronix ignition in my distributor.it didnt run right i probably connected the wires wrong i connected red 2 red and black 2 black in the coil .is that right? i have a single barrel carb. ..any help?