Greeting from Central Florida area. Well, I'm a 17 year old boy who has loved the lines and sleek looks of the Maverick/Comet for quite a while now. I worked a summer job and now i'm on a hiatus from my current weekend job. I have a decent amount saved up and would liked to pick up my own Maverick/Comet to begin restoring. Only problem is, I have no idea where to even begin my search! I'm looking for a beater, engine work is no problem for me, I just want one with a straight body. Any ideas where I can begin my search?
from Ocala,Fl.............. There is a 73 Maverick on for $2200 obo.... I haven't looked at it but its a start....
Welcome from Atlantic Canada! A small-bumper car would be a nice start, but they don't come with front discs and very few of them had 5-bolt wheels. This will limit your wheel choices for one thing. All the big-bumper cars had 5-bolt wheels, but not always disc. I would think it's easier to find and swap disc brakes (Granada/Monarch also fit) onto a small bumper car than to try to find and swap small bumpers on a big-bumper car. I would look at CraigsList, maybe Kijiji and since you're a member here now, post a Wanted Ad in the Classified section of the forums. Also (and people may not like me saying this):evilsmile but typically Comets sell for just little bit less than a comparable Maverick in the same condition. So if money is an issue, maybe the Comet might be a better route to explore. Whatever car you consider buying, take a bucket of water with you and pour it slowly down the cowl grates in front of the windshield. Look for water on the front floor boards (if they're still there):16suspect. This is a typical scenario for these cars and can become quite a chore to repair, so buy with caution. Good Luck in your search, and keep us posted!
I see that you are from the Central Florida area - have you ever gone to the Old Town car shows in Kissimmee? I never missed them the times I took the family down to visit the mouse