Finally another parts source for the Maverick/Comet community!!! Melvin's Classic Ford Parts has added a new catalog which can only be viewed by clicking the link above (for now), when page opens, click Maverick link to the right. Parts are being added daily as well as photos!!!.... Its a new line for them so some "kinks" are expected at first but should straighten out very quickly. It will be nice to see a catalog devoted specifically to the Maverick and Comet from another supplier!!!!
Melvins is a great company to deal with also. I bought many things from them when I was restoring my 62 falcon.
Whoa... they've got a z-bar listed. In fact they've got a lot of stuff I need listed. I may be able to not have to deal with autokrafters again after all!
Warning: Just because they are "listed" doesn't mean they will have it. Like many auto parts suppliers, they will get it after you order it.
lots of parts there. New locks for the consolette in the console section!... very cool both lockable with key, one without key, and a combination of consolette and trunk lock with same key!....AWESOME
I been dealing with Melvin's since the late 80's. I bought many parts for my 68 Mustang, 60 Falcon as well as my Maverick. I even bought used parts from cars that he was parting out. I'm glad to hear they are finally putting their Maverick parts on paper. They're a great people to deal with and I have never been disappointed like I have with other vendors in the old car hobby.
It's got to be better than AutoKrafters selling me a z-bar for a 66 mustang tagged with the wrong part number, after backordering it for 2 months and refusing to accept it as a return. So yes, they have it listed and I won't have to deal with Autorippers ripping me for another $160 dollars. Not that I plan on buying one again. I found someone to repair my current one, and they will make me a new one for just above cost of materials when I want it. But, there are other parts I want to buy.
It's cool that they are doing it, and they must have had someone go to a lot of trouble finding what parts cross over, but the majority of those parts are already available from every classic Mustang supplier out there, and the weather stripping from a few different sources. I don't see a z bar?
Sorry I feel like I de-railed the thread. I was just thinking "awesome these guys have more on the site than most, and pretty much everything AutoKrafters has that I want. so YAY!!!!!"
It's probably made by the same guys as Auto Krafters gets theirs from. Their site is defiantly better than AK's.
I too think its awesome!... the good news is they are still adding parts everyday!.... already looks good, so imagine the end... I already see things I've not seen in the AK catalog... so like you MSmithPDX, I am happy too!
Got it bookmarked .... Thanks for posting. I noticed the 157 tooth flexplate for $45 ... not bad. I had to turn our county upside down and shake it to find one when I needed it 15 years ago. The Ford dealers wanted some ridiculous price then and I believe that had to order them.
I have dealt with Melvin's for years. I've dropped buckets of money on his counter and have loved every minute of it. I love it that they are only about 25 minutes from my house and I have gotten to know them personally. I give 'em two thumbs up Oh, they carry a great line of rodder parts as well. Like them on their Facebook page (, too.