My 351 w has all arp stud bolts in her but the intake ...Do yall think a intake stud kit is a overkill ...would yall run the kit or just put grade 8 bolts in the intake ...Thank you
I Say stud it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more even torque and the intake sits on the engine square when torquing it down.
That's all I usually do too. Using studs everywhere won't do anything to really "square" the intake because the holes are just too sloppy to begin with. Or I simply use studs for initial assembly/rough location and then use bolts for the final. The biggest potential gain to be had by doing the whole intake would be reduction in R&R time as well as less wear and tear on the heads threads with repeated R&R. Otherwise.. it's pretty much wasted cash on something that rarely gets torn down. Either way.. it's a good idea to check torque every year or so to be sure that it stays put. Decent washers and Loctite is your friend.
Well i streached the intake bolts torquing it down i was going to buy the stud kit instead of new grade 8 bolts....the old bolts was grade 6 ...i wasnt thinking lol
You stretched 5/16" bolts with 20 to 25 ft/lbs of torque??? Grade-8 is overkill for an intake manifold.
yeppers i had a torque wrench set at 22 foot lbs broke one off and pulled intake and replaced the broken one then torqued em all down and let it set and pass side was loose
thats what im afraid of going to drop the intake off at the machine shop to get checked...its always something with this motor
Had intake checked its true .Not warped ...Put it all back together again today still leaking new bolts and everything ...Got aggravated and jerked the gaskets off .And noticed the indian head i used to seal around the water ports was still mushy ...HHHHHMMMMM going to try a new set of gaskets and no indian head this time ...I hope it works