Are There Any Other Gas Caps? I have four gas caps and I think I have seen a fifth one which looks like the deluxe cap on the right, but above the horns it says Maverick. Does anybody know of any other caps, not including the billet ones being sold on ebay right now?
There was one like this - I saw one along time ago on ebay. Wish I would have bought it but it went way too high. It was also pictured in the 1970 owners manual.
I have never seen that cap before. Cool! I bet it did go for quite a bit on ebay. It would be nice to add to the collection.
Interesting! I thought there was only two deluxe caps. The one I pictured and one that looks just like it except it says Maverick above the horns. I guess I have to keep my eyes open for more. The one Acornridgeman posted looks like a deluxe cap too.
I think you guys are referring to the same style - Like this - there are 2 LDO steerhead caps - with and without the MAVERICK name - plus that rare one that I posted above that has the tooled leather look like some of the door panels have
Yes, that is the other one I was referring to, calling it a deluxe cap. So is there just the 4 caps I posted and the 2 you posted for a total of 6 caps or is there more that you know of?
On the 2 early standard caps. In the early days they were made with a stamped emblem that gave the metal a 3D effect - raised letters and steerhorns. Later on they became flat stickers. I have seen ones with and without any yellow color - but that maybe just from sun fading. All NOS ones I've had, had color to them. Here are some pics from ebay on both raised standard styles. Note the dents and dinks often found on the raised caps.
Cool! The ones I have are the stamped emblems and not stickers. I guess I only need 2 more caps then, but that rare one you posted I'm sure I won't be able to find.
add another i have a cheapy that looks like the second one from the left of your original post but with no horns or name on it never payed attention if its a sticker or not.