I've thought about it a bunch, I know the best way to cut the holes is from the inside (outside of the curve) of the dash, so I would think you would need to take the dash all the way out to do it right.
I have them in my car, sunk in the dash. I use the Autometer Phantom gauges, and use the SuperSeal interference mounts from Summit to hold them in the dash. The tach is held in the same way, but with a piece of vacuum hose split and fitted around the hole. Cutting the holes is a trick, as they are more oval than round. Just use a small half moon file and work them till you have it right. Here is a pic of my gauges. If you need more info or more pics, let me know. Earl
Nice job on those gauges Earl. I use the same gauges, just have them below dash in tray. Did'nt want to remove the AC vent. What type of AC unit is under the dash? Nice job on installing it...
I used a piece of black plastic cut to fit the radio opening. 3 gauges fit in that opening very well. then I ran a headphone cable under the carpet to a small amp so I could listen to music off my ipod. no cutting of the dash necessary, and no one breaks my window to steal my radio.
Can u listen to the radio via the Ipod hookup? I really listen to my radio as much or more than recorded music.
That's a great lookin setup. What is the dash panel made of? I assume u made/had custom made? On of the better lookin setup I've seen -- still has a more period correct look...
yup, you need the appropriate app. however, I would do what CAR-NUT did if I had half a chance to do it! Where did you get that CAR-NUT? was it from the guy who passed away a few years ago?
I have to admit, I did get the idea from him. What he made was perfect. Before he passed away he was talking about making them in fiberglass. I considered buying one, but thought I could do the same thing, only in steel. I had mine done right before we learned of his death. So i guess mine is in tribute to him as he had a great design!