I've been reading some older threads about hood pins. I know some don't care for the look but I don't mind it. What I really want are the locking style. I don't want my parts to walk off. I know that the pins are generally installed on the radiator support. My questions is where? I read the locking style has to be mounted on the higher areas of the support? Why? Any pictures or info is appreciated. Need all the help I can get. Don't want spare holes in hood. Thanks!
I don't care for them but if I had to I would concider these: https://www.anvilauto.com/product_detail.php?product=hpinlock
I would consider those as well but for $150 and only black in stock I would say no. My main concern is where to install the locking type
I don't want sound like a jerk but I am going to quote quite a few Maverick owners on this forum, "Maverick owners are cheap!" You get what you pay for. I am sure your local parts place sells some thing in $20 dollar range that you can use and add a small lock too it to make it work.
I installed mine using the same hole in the support that the rubber bumper was in. I used a piece of rubber around the post cut to hold the hood where I wanted it. It wasn't pretty, but I was too lazy to make it look nicer (the rubber thingy).
Thanks. Any pics of the underside of the hood where you drilled your holes? its multi-layered at that spot.
So you left the rubber part and stuck the pins in? Does the hood bounce around? And are they the locking pins?
I took the adjustable bumper out of the hole, installed the hood pin in the hole, and put another piece of rubber on the pin and cut and ground it until the hood sat where I wanted it to. Then adjust the pin so that when you insert the cotter pin thingy, it is held firmly. I actually adjusted mine so that I had to push down lightly on the hood to put in the cotter pin, so there was no movement or flop. Double-layered at this point.
The lock pins the were posted before can easily be picked with a bic pen, I wouldn't recommend them. I had soldered a chain to the hood and I lock it to the front valance. It doesn't look pretty at all, but it's very effective.