They might be still laying in the A pillow from when we got the hinges for my Maverick. That would feel wrong going to the junkyard with no tools.
Well how can they not go bad? If you need to remove the doors for any reason, the expanded ends on the bolts strip out the threads. What do you guys do? -- I know lots of people have removed and replaced doors on their Mavericks & Comets.
that's so they can start them with an air tool... all the bolts on my LSX motor have them for the robots that assy. the motor...
The only issue I ever had with one was when I had my wife help me align a door. I held the door in place and gave her my "King Kong"-length breaker bar to snug the bolts up. I told her to take it easy. As a bolt snapped, the look of shock on her face was priceless. The next time we tried this, I gave her my "gorilla" breaker bar, so she wouldn't have quite so much leverage.
Don't need a bottom tap...a regular tap less than 5 foot long will do. You have enough room until you hit the other side of the car.