I have had it with my C4 and its problems . I have decided to swap it a tremec five or even possibly a six speed . There seems to be a few versions of both and I`m not sure wich one to get. Is there any advantage to having the 26 spline input over the ten ? I would like to buy a new one but if I can find a low miles one for a decent price I would probaly go for it . Any advice is greatly appreciated ! Thanks, Elliot.
The 5 speed will proably fit but the 6 speed may not fit your tunnel. The 10 spline is fine for most, the 26 is probably stronger I suspect, but I doubt you need it
not sure which 6 speed you're looking at using here.. but the ROD 6 speed I plan on using is just longer.. and not too much fatter than a stock 5. http://www.richmondgear.com/07pdfs/RG21.pdf
what trans you choose depends on several things. how much power does your engine make approx.? what are you intended uses for your car? daily driver, full race car, both, ect... what rear gear ratio and rear tire height do you have?
I just looked at a 70 mav with a tremec in it, it did not fit at all, the entire top of the tunnell had to be cut off for it to fit, was very ugly, maybe try a T5 instead.
That's because the 70 maverick has a smaller transmission tunnel then the later model years. I personally love my tremec. I have been running it in my car for about a year and a half. I only had to modify the transmission tunnel brace to get the transmission in. I am currently using the TKO 3550, it is the earlier version of the TKO600 same case different gear ratio. In all honesty if your motor isn't pushing 300+ horsepower I wouldn't worry about the 26 spline input shaft. It does make a stronger transmission then the 10 spline input but its not really worth it for most moderate horsepower cars on the street. Here is the little writeup I did on my install http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=80140&highlight=tremec+tko Also the TKO is similar dimensions to the T5 so on the post 70 cars you wont have to cut the transmission tunnel other then putting a hole in it for a shifter (if your car didn't come with a factory floor shifter) If you put a Tremec 6 speed in it you will have to cut the transmission tunnel out and make your own.
I`m not sure of my hp level ... alot ? 347 afr heads and 7 psi so 400-450 ??? daily driven race car , 3.55 gears 26 inch tall tires. Looks like the six speed is out of the question. I am having trouble finding a clutch pedal . Is there another clutch pedal that can be adaped to there cars fairly easy ?
you will have the power to brake a stock t5. you should either put a g-force gear set in a t5 or use a tremic tko or 600. im working on a clutch pedal/mastercylinder set up right now that will be very easy to to put in to these cars. its just not ready yet.
Keep us posted. I've been looking at putting a Tremec in mine unless I trip over an awesome deal on a T5. I've read several work ups for putting a hydraulic setup in these cars. The only thing I didn't like was the clutch master under the dash. I'd rather it be on the other side of the firewall.
my new design puts the mastercylinder in the engine compartment. the only modification required is the holes in the fire wall for the mastercylinder and its mounting bolts.
Hmm if you are going to run 3.55:1 gears I would recommend the TKO600 or the G-force gears in a T5 case. They have a higher first gear then the TKO500s the stock T5s or the Tremec 3550's. The first gear on my transmission, the TKO500 and the stock T5s is really low it is 3.27:1 im running with 3.0 gears and if you work out the math it is the numerical equivalent of a C4 with roughly 4.00 gears (no they don't make a 4.00 gear ratio it is just what the math ends up being the closest too) but with 3.25:1 rear gear it equals what a C4 transmission would have with a 4.32:1 gear ratio(no they don't make a 4.32:1 ratio) wheras the TKO600 has a first gear ratio of 2.87:1 and the G-force gears(depending on which one you get) has a first gear ratio of 2.94:1, 2.92:1, or 2.42:1. This makes for a stronger transmission. Just for comparison the C4 transmission uses a 2.46:1 first gear ratio. So unless you want to be shifting at 10mph in first gear thus potentially nullifying the 5 speed aspect then you might want to look at different gears or go with one of the transmissions with the higher first gear ratio.
lol.. here we go again with the "you'll need to shift at 10mph" stuff. My gears are FAR steeper than that.. and I don't have to shift at a miserly 10mph unless there's a cop following me. Do you guys even realize how many 10's of thousands use gears even steeper than that with those transmissions? Just a thought.. but some people actually "want more gear" to bring the motor up on the cam quicker. Which inevitably makes the engine seem larger and more powerful than it actually is while you're just crusing around. Then again.. if you're skimping or going lower budget on the rest of the drivetrain and don't have traction to begin with?.. greater torque multiplication may not be the best way to go as it becomes even less tractable.
lol you pretty much just contradicted yourself right there showing a good example why you shouldn't get lower gears. But no you don't have to shift at that low of an mph there are plenty of people that like to redline their engine everytime they shift and race their cars from stoplight to stoplight all day long. This isn't bad for a car that gets driven once or twice a month, or even on weekends. It does get rather tedious if you like to drive it say all summer. I don't know about you but I do drive my car every day, but even with me having 3.0 gears in the rear end I find I am shifting around 15 to 20mph from first gear with the engine RPM sitting at around 2500RPM at 20mph this is about the average RPM range most automatic transmissions behind a V8 to shift at(4bangers like 3000 rpm range). Most people with manuals also tend to shift at this rpm range. In all honesty even shifting at that rpm range it really gets tedious if I am driving in traffic or driving around town I can only imagine how bad it would be if I was many of the "many 10's of thousands use gears even steeper than that with those transmissions?" That begs the question if 10's of thousands of people do something wrong or doesn't make sense does it actually make it right?... Hmm... that means all those ricers are actually right...
I think that is the difference, weekend cruiser or everyday driver....Mine has 3:80's with a T-5 and i find it perfect but i don't drive it everyday....If i did drive it everyday i think 3:00's or 3:25's would be more suited